kaiserliche post _luckenwalde

building type:
rental housing
reorganisation to 26 renting units
poststraße 19, luckenwalde
gross floor space:
2.900 m²
estimated 2014
haberent finanzplanungsbaudienstleistungs gmbh
stage 5-8 according to hoai

The over 100 year old Wilhelminian postal building was redesigned as part of a financial funding competition. mmrtg|architekten and the leading architect Femke Hägen are momentarily in the process of working on the detailed planning stage.

A particular focus has been laid on the authentic refurbishing of the buildings historical fabric whilst implementing exciting living concepts. The realisation of this project on this basic concept within the phases 5-8 according to HOAI, will be carried out by mmrtg|architekten.